Meet Your Future Employer!

Your Entry Into The Thuringian Job Market

May 29, 2024 | 15:30 – 17:00 | University of Applied Sciences Jena, Room 05.00.04

We are cooperating with representatives of theThuringian companiesZeiss Group, SPACEOPTIX GmbH, Sandoz GroupAG and IBYKUS AG,to show you exactly what opportunities you havein the job market in Thuringia.On this day, you will also learn what reallymatters in your application, your job interview oryour salary negotiation, quickly and to the point.Target group: students und PhD students ofengineering and natural sciences, economicsand technical subjects.Drinks and snacks are included.

The event will be held in English.

Here you find the invitation.

Interested? Sign up at:For further information or questions, please contact:


Upcoming Jobfairs:

08.06.24 Job Walk in Jena
12.06.2024 Job Fair at The University
of Applied Sciences Erfurt
15.06.2024 Job Fair in Erfurt
25.09-26.09.2024 W3+Fair Jena


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